Welcome to Year 4
Friday, 7th January
We've had a fab week in Year 4.
On Monday we took part in a workshop about the Hindu faith - please see some photos below. We learned about the different Hindu festivals such as Diwali, the festival of lights. We have also been busy practicing our poetry performance for parents and carers which will be on Friday, 14th February at 2.30pm.
We have also started a very special art project. We are creating pieces of art work based on the new seven wonders of the world - The Great Wall of China, Chichen Itza, Petra, Machu Picchu, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, The Colosseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in India.
Friday, 31st January
Another busy week in Year 4.
We have been learning about different Jewish traditions in RE, sketched portraits in Art and continued to find out about Sound and Hearing in Science. We have also made a start on practicing our upcoming poetry performance, which will be all about the tropical rainforest environment. It's been assessment week too this week - well done everyone for all of your hard work.
Friday, 24th January
This week in English we have been writing Kenning poems about rain forest animals for our upcoming poetry performance In Maths we have continued our Multiplication and Division unit, investigating multiplies and 3, 6 and 9.
We have learnt about the different parts of the Jewish wedding ceremony in RE and continued finding out about the amazing human ear in Science. We've also been enjoying our class novel, 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.'
Friday, 17th January
Another fun and busy week in year 4. We have written Japanese Haiku poems in English about different environments such as the arctic and the rainforest. In Maths we have been investigating multiplying numbers by 3 and 6.
In PSHE we have been learning about dangers, risks and hazards and different ways to keep safe. In History this week we have learned about who was in charge in early Rome.
Friday 10th January
What a brilliant week back! We have watched a pantomime which was all about Cinderella. We have also been out in the snow this week and have had a brilliant time with our friends. We have started our new topic about the Romans in History and Sound in Science. Spellings have gone home as has homework.
Friday 20th December
What a busy week Year 4 have had! The children enjoyed the Y3/4 party at the start of the week, they have created book sleeves which they are really proud of, shown homework, ran in the Santa dash and took part in a brass concert.
We would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the gifts/cards that we have received. We hope that you all have a restful break and have a lovely Christmas!
Friday 13th December
This week children have been lucky enough to create a bookmark and then use the 3D printer. The children have been given a login and can use TINKERCAD at home to create designs. A big thank you to Mrs Allen who showed us how to create these! We have enjoyed watching Year 2’s nativity, taking part in Christmas jumper day and having the Christmas dinner.
Everyone is very excited for our Christmas party next week! We look forward to our DT project next week as well. A very busy final week!
Friday, 6th December
In English we have been reading a book called 'Queen of the Falls.' This is a biography of Annie Taylor, an amazing lady who survived going over Niagara Falls in a barrel! We have written key facts about the amazing feat and collected effective vocabulary. In Maths we have been using lots of practical resources to investigate addition and subtraction.
We carried out a Science investigation this week finding out the best way to melt chocolate. We've also been finding out about Phillip II in History, conversational skills in French and ways to resolve conflicts in PSHE.
Our Year 4 elf has appeared this week and has already got up to mischief - we're wondering what else he will get up to in the next few weeks ! We're all really looking forward to the festive activities we have coming up in the next few weeks, such as the Year 2 production, Christmas party and Christingle.
Friday, 29th November
Another busy and fun week in Year 4.
We have completed our Star Writes, writing a biography of the amazing scientist Nikola Tesla. In Maths we have been investigating addition and subtraction using practical resources such as cubes and tens frames.
We have been thinking about different ways to resolve conflict in PSHE and created short role plays to demonstrate different scenarios. In RE we have been thinking about the significant parts of the Nativity story for Christians. In French we have been learning different conversational phrases based on the theme, 'Je me presente.'
We are looking forward to the festivities now that it is nearly December - we wonder if a certain elf might make an appearance soon ?!
Friday, 22nd November
The children have enjoyed their week at school!
They have created some brilliant stop animations with figurines. We have also read about Einstein this week in our reading sessions as it has been International Men's Day. We have also researched and looked at Nikola Tesla and learnt lots of key facts about why he is well known. We are coming to the end of our topic in Maths addition and subtraction and the children can now confidently use the column method with multiple exchanges.
Friday, 15th November
It has been Anti - Bullying Week this week and the theme has been' 'Choose Respect.' We took part in a special assembly, created our own anti- bullying posters and thought about ways we can be kind and respectful to each other in school. It was fun to wear our odd socks on Tuesday to celebrate what makes us all special and unique.
In English we have been writing to encourage people to visit the capital of Greece, Athens. We have tried to include rhetorical questions and persuasive language. We also wrote our own postcards from Athens, imagining we were there on holiday. In Maths we have been continuing to investigate using different strategies for subtraction such as using exchanging. We've also looked at other efficient methods such as using a number line to find differences.
In Science we have been predicting what would happen to raisins when we add them to lemonade! We observed that the raisins seemed to 'dance' in the liquid due to the carbon dioxide gas in the bubbles. We have also really enjoyed creating our own Pointillism paintings in Art - please see examples of our work below.
Friday, 8th November
Our new unit in English is persuasive writing based on the capital of Greece, Athens. We have researched the amazing historical buildings in Athens such as the temple to the goddess Athena, The Parthenon. We have also found out about all the delicious Greek foods such as Mousakka, Kebabs and Baklava. In Maths we have continued our unit on addition, and developed our reasoning skills adding three digit numbers with exchanging.
In Science we have started our new topic on Changing State. We talked about the different properties of solids, liquids and gases and identified different examples from our everyday lives. In History we learned about the causes and consequences of the Battle of Marathon in ancient Greece.
Friday, 1 November
This week in English we have written a character description of Medusa using lots of effective description such as similes, powerful verbs and adjectives. In Maths we have focussed on addition strategies including using column addition to add three digit numbers. We've also continued our class novel, The Last Bear and have found out how April becomes friends with the Polar Bear on Bear Island.
We all really enjoyed our Ancient Greek History workshop this week with Professor Tuesday. We learnt a lot about how the Greeks used to live and enjoyed taking part in the group role plays - please see some pictures below. In Art we have created Christmas card designs, and in Science we have investigated using different switches in an electrical circuit.
Friday, 18th October - Happy Half Term
We've come to the end of a great first half term in Year 4.
This week in English we have written lots of effective words and phrases to describe the gorgon Medusa from Greek mythology, and our Maths topic has been rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000.
We have enjoyed finding out about Nelson Mandela this week as part of Black History Month. It was really interesting to find out about his amazing life story and how he became President of South Africa. This week we have also painted our pottery with ancient Greek designs and patterns in Art, developed our French vocabulary based on fruits and vegetables and continued our brilliant Brass Music sessions in Music. We've continued to read our class novel, "The Last Bear," in which the main character April makes friends with a lone Polar Bear on a remote island near the North Pole.
Thank you to all of Year 4 for all of your hard work and thank you to our parents and carers for all of your support,
Have a lovely and safe break everyone,
Year 4 Team
Ryan 4B - "I really liked making and painting my Greek pot."
Luke 4B - " It's been fun to learn to play the cornet in our brass sessions."
Arabella 4B - " I enjoyed my Star Write retell on the Perseus and Medusa myth."
Ada 4S - "Life Skills Week was great, I learnt a lot about online safety."
Benjamin - 4S "Reading about the different ancient Greek myths has been good fun."
Brody - 4S "It was really interesting learning about Nelson Mandela and his amazing life."
Friday, 11th October
We've really enjoyed Life Skills week in Year 4.
We have learnt a range of ways to help our well being during our Mental Health Awareness workshops, such as talking to others when we feel worried or upset. We also enjoyed our HSBC workshops about looking after our money and different ways people spend and save money such as giving gift cards and using debit cards.
In PSHE as part of Life Skills, we created our own well being plates. These are based on the '5 ways of Well being,' - mindfulness, connection to others, being active, being generous and being interested. We thought about what hobbies and interests make us feel happy such as clubs and sports.
Friday, 4th October
We've been mastering rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 this week in Maths. We've also continued to speed up our times tables recall using Sound Check on Times Tables Rock Stars. In English we have written direct speech for the characters of Perseus and Medusa from Greek mythology. We've also practiced our speaking and listening skills by dramatising some of the scenes from the myth.
In RE it's been interesting to find out more about how the religion of Buddhism began, and we have compared the city states of Athens and Sparta in History.
We are really looking forward to our Life Skills week next week - there are lots of activities planned such as a HSBC workshop and a Firework safety competition.
Year 4 Team
Friday, 27th September
This week in Year 4 we have been developing our writing skills based on the myth, 'Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa.' We collected lots of fantastic vocabulary to describe the terrifying Medusa, brave and courageous Perseus and the Gorgon's mysterious cave. In Maths we have continued our place value unit and have been comparing numbers and putting them in ascending and descending order.
We enjoyed creating more complex electrical circuits in Science using buzzers, bulbs and motors. We have also been finding out about the beginning of the Buddhist religion in RE and practiced out basketball skills in PE.
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Year 4 Team
Friday, 20th September
This week in English our Greek Myth has been Persephone and the Four Seasons. We have written words and sentences describing the dark and mysterious Underworld and the Greek god Hades. In Maths we have been developing our mastery of place value, and continuing to work on our times tables recall.
We enjoyed our Basketball skills session in PE this week and had a go at shooting into the hoops. We've also started thinking about how to develop good relationships in PSHE and thought about things that make us happy in RE. In Science we make electrical circuits using wires, bulbs and batteries - please see some photos below.
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Year 4 Team
Friday, 13th September
This week we've been reading the ancient Greek myth, 'Theseus and the Minotaur.' One of our tasks was to write direct speech sentences from different characters in the myth. In Maths we have been developing our place value understanding using our Base 10 resources.
It's been our first Brass session with Mrs Greig this week. We all really enjoyed having a go at making sounds using the Cornets. We can't wait to take our instruments home next week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone
Year 4 Team
'I have really liked finding out facts about the different Greek myths' - Benjamin.
Alexis - 'I liked brass where we practiced blowing into the mouthpiece - it was good fun'
'I really like our class novel 'The Last Bear,' The story is really interesting and I am enjoying finding out what it is like in the arctic circle,' Hannah.
Theo - 'I have learned how to write direct speech about Theseus and the Minotaur.'
Week Ending 6th September
The children have settled very well into Year 4 and have had a busy and fun week.
We have started our topic on Ancient Greece in History, sketched Greek pottery designs in Art, investigated Place Value in Maths and found out about different electrical devices in Science. We really enjoyed our Ju Jitsu taster sessions with Nippon.
Today, we have sent home the homework folders with homework tasks as well as spelling books. Please can children back their homework folders and spelling books in wrapping paper.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 4 Team
Friday, 14th June
We've started a fascinating new English topic based on a famous local event which is said to have happened at nearby Hoghton Tower in 1617. King James is said to have knighted a piece of beef in 1617, and called it, 'Sir Loin.' We have been retelling this myth in our own words.
In Maths we have been using our understanding of decimals to solve money problems and have been converting between pounds and pence.
In PSHE we have thought about our own wellbeing and have designed our own healthy packed lunch. We're also really pleased with our printing artwork based on Hokusai's work - please see a picture of our display below.
Have a happy and safe weekend everyone,
Year 4 Team
Friday, 24th May
This week we have been writing dialogue in English based on a film clip called 'For the Birds.' We've made sure to use powerful speech verbs and carefully chosen adverbs for our direct speech. In Maths we have started our unit on Money and used practical resources to make different amounts.
In Geography we've had a go at using grid references to plot difference locations and learnt about the uses of Ordinance Survey maps. We have also investigated Japanese print designs in Art and used Painting tools in Computing to create images based on Hokusai's work.
Have a very happy and safe half term break everyone.
Year 4 Team
Friday, 17th May
We've been enjoying the sunnier weather this week and have had another busy and fun time in Year 4
We've written retells of an extract of the story of 'Sam's Duck,' by Michael Morpurgo. We used a technique called 'Show Don't Tell,' to write about how the main character was feeling in the story.
In Maths we have been rounding and ordering decimals and continuing to practice our times tables skills.
In PSHE we created our own Wellbeing plates with lots of ideas on how we can look after own mental health. As part of this lesson with thought about 5 ways of wellbeing - Connecting with others, Giving, Being active, Mindfulness and Keeping Learning.
Friday, 10th May
This week we have written character descriptions of the frog-like Mallowdile from the animation 'Marshmallows' about a swamp-living creature who loves these sweet treats. In Maths we have investigated making a whole one from tenths and hundredths and have continued practicing our times tables fluency.
Our Science lesson this week was all about comparing different animals' teeth and how they are adapted for different habitats. We have also played a range of board games to develop our cooperation skills in PSHE, developed our gymnastics skills in PE and continued our class novel, 'The Boy at the Back of the Classroom.'
Friday, 3rd May
This week in English we have written setting descriptions based on a mysterious swap where a frog-like creature called the Mallowdile lives. We have tried to include lots of effective words such as powerful verbs and carefully chosen adjectives. Our Maths topic has been decimals and we have investigated tenths and hundredths using practical resources.
The Football event on Friday was fantastic and we would like to thank Mr Jardine and Mr Law for organising this. We played matches in groups and then some of us had a go at 'Beat the Goalie' with Mr Biggs ! Please see some pictures below.
Friday, 26th April
Another fun and busy week in Year 4. In English we have written some instructions about How to Look after our Teeth, including sub headings, imperative verbs and technical words. In Maths we have investigated tenths and converted fractions and decimals.
We have enjoyed drawing our own versions of Hokusai's Great Wave wood print in Art, and in Geography we have looked at tourism in the Rocky Mountains. In Science we have set up an experiment on whether different liquids affect egg shells. The egg shell represents the enamel on our teeth, and we have predicted whether cola, orange juice, milk, water or vinegar will affect the shells the most. We will make our observations daily next week.
Friday, 19th April
We've had a fantastic week in Year 4 with the highlight being our wonderful visit to Hothersall Lodge on Tuesday and Wednesday. We started our visit with a talk from our leader Ben, and a chance to unpack our belongings in our dormitories and make our own beds. From then on we were busy with our activities. We loved taking part in the canoeing, rock climbing, caving and zip line sessions.
In the evening we had a yummy meal of chicken tikka and chocolate trifle, and finished off the day with a movie and treat night. Then it was time for bed in our cosy bunk beds.
The next morning, we had a delicious breakfast of sausages, beans, hash browns, croissants, toast, cereal, yoghurt and fruit ! Finally, it was time to complete our activities, pack up and set off home. We've had a brilliant time.
NB: A pair of size 3 black and white trainers have been mislaid during the Hothersall visit. If anyone finds these please contact school, thanks.
Year 4 Team
Thursday, 27th March
This week in English, we have published our diary entries from Lucy from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. We have included Lucy's thoughts and feelings about visiting Narnia for the first time and frustration about her siblings not believing her. In Maths we have been adding and subtracting fractions and continuing to speed up our times tables recall.
In Design Technology we have been designing and creating our own amazing electrical wire games. We have also enjoyed making our beautiful suncatcher rabbit crafts ready to bring home for the holidays.
We hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter and Springtime break.
Year 4 Team
Friday, 22nd March
This week in English we have been writing diary entries as Lucy from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.' In Maths have been converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
We have enjoyed creating our own mini museums in History, based on different aspects of Viking life such as houses, jewellery and food. In Science we've learnt all about different types of teeth and their functions, and in Geography we have created posters persuading people to visit the Rocky Mountains region of North America. It was fun to practice our target throwing skills in PE too.
Louis - 'I liked learning about Viking life in History and the land of Narnia in English.'
Freddie - 'Maths was fun and challenging, I learnt how to add fractions using multilink.'
Helaina - 'My favourite thing this week was when we wrote a diary as Lucy when she had just come out of the wardrobe.'
Friday, 15th March
It's been a fabulous STEAM week in Year 4 (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths).
We started the week with a special 'Mad Science' assembly with some amazing experiments. Next, Year 4 took part in a 'Rockin' Robots' workshop, developing our programming skills.
On Tuesday we had lots of fun using bananas, digestive biscuits and orange juice to demonstrate how the human digestive system works - please see some pictures below.
Wednesday was another fun workshop, creating and testing a model of a mini wind turbine with our scientist Luke.
At the end of the week we took part in an engineering workshop about Space engineering, a Zoom link with Year 4 children at Broadoak School and finally a special assembly with amazing scientist Kate Beesley.
Friday, 8th March
Another busy and fun week in Year 4. We've now completed our class novel, 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,' and have written book reviews on this fantastic book. In Maths we have continued our Fractions unit as well as improving our times tables recall skills.
On Thursday we enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and took part in a range of fun book related activities - please see some photos below.
Friday, 1st March
It's been another fun and busy week in year 4. In English we have continued visiting the magical world of Narnia and written effective words and phrases to describe Mr Tumnus' house. Our Maths unit is Fractions and we have been investigating finding fractions of a whole.
In RE we have reflected on the Christian value of Forgiveness. We read a range of parables such as The Prodigal Son and created our own posters - please see some photos below.
Year 4 Team
Friday, 26th February
Welcome back everyone - it's been a good first week back after the half term in Year 4.
We have started our English unit based on the classic novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. We wrote setting descriptions of the magical winter world of Narnia. In Maths we have been learning about fractions of a whole.
This week we have also learned about the physical features of the countries of North America in Geography such as rivers and mountains, branching data bases in computing and have reflected on the theme of forgiveness in RE.
Year 4 team
Friday, 9th February - Happy Half Term
We have really enjoyed taking part in our Poetry Performance on Wednesday all about protecting our world. Thank you to all of our parents and carers who came along to watch.
In Science we have been learning about the human ear and hearing as part of our Sound topic. We have also created drawings of Viking longship Dragon Heads in Art and shared our wonderful home learning tasks - please see some photographs below.
Have a happy and safe half term break everyone.
Year 4 Team
Friday, 26th January
We've started an exciting new unit this week in English based on the novel, 'The Last Viking,' by Terry Dearey. We had fun creating group drama sketches based on Chapter 1 of the story, where the main character Emma sees the Viking longboats from the cliff top. In Maths we have been investigating multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit and continuing to speed up our times tables too.
It's been fun to sketch Viking portraits in Art using proportion techniques and charcoal pencils. In RE we have thought about Kosher food rules in Judaism and enjoyed continuing to learn to play our Cornets in Music.
Year 4 team
Friday, 19th January
This week have continued our poetry unit in English and have written free verse poems on our hopes and dreams for our planet. In Maths we have been investigating multiplying by 10 and 100 and continuing to speed up our times tables recall.
We all really enjoyed our Viking workshops on Tuesday, especially playing the group games. This week we have also investigated where sound comes from in Science, sketched Viking portraits in Art and continued our cornet playing in Music.
Have a happy and safe weekend everyone,
Year 4 Team
Welcome Back and a Happy New Year!
This week we have started a poetry unit in English based on the environment, and have written Japanese Haiku poems on different places in our world such as the ocean, desert and rainforest. In Maths we have been using practical resources to investigate multiplying numbers by 10.
We all really enjoyed the Pantomime on Monday, 'Alladin,' especially the music and audience participation! In Geography we have used atlases to find different countries in North America and in PSHE we have been thinking about dangers, risks and hazards. We are also looking forward to our Vikings History workshop next week.
The Year 4 Team would like to thank children and parents very much for their kind Christmas gifts and cards, these were very much appreciated.
Have a happy and safe weekend everyone,
Year 4 Team
Thank you to all the people that were able to attend our fantastic Christmas concert. The children performed excellently and we couldn't be more proud of them.
Please follow the links below to the recording of our assembly!
Friday, 1st December
Happy first day of advent. Our Year 4 elf Jingles has appeared today - we're wondering what he will get up to in the next few weeks !
In English we have been writing our Explanations of the Water Cycle and in Maths we have been investigating multiplication strategies and continuing our times tables skills.
We carried out a Science investigation this week where we found out if temperature affects the speed of evaporation. We have also created animations in computing and continued sewing our decorations in DT.
We're now looking forward to advent and the festive activities we have coming up in the next few weeks.
Friday, 24th November
This week in English we have written our 'Star Write' pieces, persuading people to visit 'Amazing Athens.' We've tried to include effective persuasive openers such as, 'Amazingly,...' and, 'Imagine,...
In Maths we have been finding areas of shapes using multiplication strategies. We have also found properties of different quadrilaterals like squares, rectangles and rhombuses.
In History we created our own ancient Greek temples to various gods and goddesses such as Poseidon and Athena. We have also continued to learn how to talk about our family members in French, created Winter scene pictures in Art and all about the Water Cycle in Science.
Friday, 17th November
This week has been National Anti - Bullying week in school and the theme has been, 'Make a Noise about Bullying.' We wore odd socks on Monday to start the week and celebrate our differences and how we are all unique. We have all also entered a competition creating our own anti-bullying posters.
It's been a busy week for Year 4 as we have also planned our persuasive writing about Athens in English, learnt about Area in Maths, investigate evaporation and condensation in Science and researched the artist Georges Seurat in Art.
Have a good weekend everyone, Year 4 Team
Friday, 10th November
This week in English we have written our 'Star Write,' pieces - biographies of the amazing scientist Nikola Tesla.
In Maths we have been continuing our mastery of subtraction strategies and using our Base Ten resources to investigate using exchanging for column subtraction.
In History we have learned about the ancient Greek city states of Athens and Sparta and thought about which of these cities we would like to have lived in and why. We've also been continuing our novel study of 'The Last Bear,' and have made predictions about the characters in our whole class reading sessions.
This week we have also been learning about the Hindu festival, Diwali. We've created our own Festival of Light lamps - please see some photos below.
As part of Outdoor Learning Day, both classes went onto the playground to practice our column addition and subtraction methods using chalk on the pavement. We challenged ourselves with some tricky exchanges, and some of us even added to the ten-thousands!
A great way to round off our addition and Subtraction unit of work!
Friday, 4th November
Our new unit in English is biographical writing based on the life of electrical scientist and discoverer of AC current, Nikola Tesla. It's been really interesting finding out about his amazing life and all of his inventions such as the X ray and neon lights.
In Maths we have been continuing to investigate using different strategies for subtraction such as using exchanging. We've also looked at other efficient methods such as using a number line to find differences.
This week we have also started our exciting new DT topic, designing and making our own sewn Christmas tree decorations. We've also learned about efficient ways of searching the internet in Computing, all about Solids, Liquids and Gases in Science and practiced our conversational skills in French.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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