Friday 24th January
This week we have had a visit from Professor Tuesday who came to deliver a Great Fire of London workshop. We enjoyed hearing about the events in 1666 and acting them out.
In science, we completed a materials investigation. We tested different materials to see what would make a good house for the Three Little Pigs. We tested a range of materials to see if they were strong and waterproof before selecting the best ones for the job.
In computing, we have continued to work on our coding skills. We have been using Scratch Junior to make our characters appear, disappear and move. We are getting good at debugging our instructions to make the codes work well.
In English, we have finished our unit of work on Vlad and The Great Fire of London. We enjoyed writing a diary entry as one of the characters from the story this week. We focused on writing in the past progressive tense as well as using conjunctions and adjectives to make our diary entry exciting to read.
Thanks again for all the support.
The Y2 Team
Friday 17th January
It has been another busy week in year 2. In English, we have continued to read the book 'Vlad and The Great Fire of London' and have been working on using the conjunctions 'but' and 'because' to extend our sentences. We have also been trying really hard to keep our handwriting very neat! The children all did a retell of the story and included lots of expanded noun phrases, sentence openers and conjunctions, we were very impressed with the standard of work.
This week in maths, we have continued to add and subtract two digit numbers using written methods, as well as apply these skills to different word problems.
The children all really enjoyed using the computer program 'scratch jnr' to carry out some coding tasks. The children had to use the program to make the sun set in the sky. They all managed this task and really enjoyed adding in different characters and coding them so they moved across the screen in different directions. In science, we have continued our new topic of 'materials', the children have been sorting everyday objects according to the material they are made from. The children worked very well during our history lesson and used evidence from Samuel Pepys' diary to try to explain why the fire spread across so much of London. The children have also been creating dances in PE linked to The Great Fire of London.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend,
The Y2 Team
Friday 10th January
The children have settled back into school routines really well this week. We have continued to work on our addition and subtraction of two digit numbers this week. We were really impressed that the children could do equations such as 52 - 36 using their written method.
In English the children have started a new unit of work. We are reading a book called 'Vlad and The Great Fire of London' as it links with our history unit of work. The children loved this story and have enjoyed learning new vocabulary linked to the story and writing sentences using contracted words.
In history, we have started to learn about The Great Fire of London. We began by learning about what London was like in 1666. We have also been creating a Great Fire of London inspired dance in our P.E lessons.
Reading and spellings will continue as normal this half term. We can't believe how many children are getting bronze and silver reading badges already! We are very impressed. We will also be sending out homework for Spring term next week.
Thank you again for all the Christmas wishes before the holidays and the very kind cards and gifts. We hope you all had a lovely break.
The Y2 Team
Friday 20th December
What a brilliant week we have had in year 2! The children thoroughly enjoyed their party. They played lots of different games and even had a special visit from Father Christmas! All the children were happy to hear that they were on his 'good list'.
In class, we have been adding two, two digit numbers crossing a ten using jottings, this is something we will continue with after the Christmas break. We have also been designing, making and evaluating puppets. The children have worked so carefully to sew their puppet together and then they have decorated them VERY well.
In PSHE we have talked about what to do if someone is being left out and have come up with lots of ideas. In history we have compared the different explorers we have learnt about this term and produced some great pieces of writing in our topic books.
We have created our Winter Trees landscape inspired by the artist Keith Webber, some fabulous pieces of artwork have been produced.
We have worked in the computer suite to create simple databases and have looked at sorting using different criteria e.g. gender, hair colour etc.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break. Also, a huge thank you for all of the lovely cards, messages and gifts we have receieved, it is very kind of you all.
The Y2 Team
Friday 13th December
We are so proud of how well all of Y2 performed in our nativity. The speaking, singing, dancing and acting were all great. See Mrs Webb's blog for some more snaps!
In class, we have finished off our unit of work on The Snowman and have done a retell of the story. We were very impressed with the fabulous vocabulary used, expanded noun phrases and different sentence openers the children used. We are continuing to work on our pre-cursive handwriting in class and we are also trying to make sure our ascenders and descenders are the correct height and length.
In maths, the children have been adding and subtracting two digit numbers using a variation of the column method. They have done brilliantly with this new strategy. Next week, we will look at how to cross/exchange a ten when adding and subtracting.
In R.E, we have been talking about the Christmas story and how Christians believe Jesus is a gift to the world and how Christians try to spread love in different ways around the world.
In history, we have made a timeline of famous explorers such as Sylvia Earle, Charles Darwin, Ibn Battuta and Neil Armstrong. We talked about how long ago they lived and what they explored.
In DT, we have started to design our Christmas puppets. Next week, we will be sewing and making our puppets in time for Christmas!
Everyone looked superb at the Christmas dinner! See the photos below.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 6th December
The children have been working very hard to put the final touches to the nativity play; they did a dress rehearsal for reception and year 1 children today and performed very well. Just a reminder, the performance starts at 2pm on Tuesday and the performance lasts approximately 45 minutes and children will be released at 3.20pm as usual. Children can come to school in their normal uniform rather than their P.E kit on this day so they are wearing appropriate footwear for the nativity show. In the evening, children can come back to school for 5.30pm to get dressed in class for the performance. The show starts at 6pm.
We have still been continuing our learning in class too. We have been reading the Snowman story in English and having a real focus on our letter formation when writing sentences. In maths, we have continued to add and subtract two digit numbers and use equipment to help us with this. In R.E this week, we have been learning about advent and how different countries around the world prepare for Christmas. The children have also enjoyed learning about explorers in history and talking about what the different explorers discovered.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 29th November
Our nativity rehearsals are going well and everyone is trying their best to learn their lines and all the songs. Tickets went home last week and we now have all the costumes sorted in school. We will be having dress rehearsals next week.
In class, we have been focusing on our handwriting this week and writing sentences linked to the Snowman story. In maths we have been adding and subtracting two digit numbers. The children have been learning new strategies to do this.
In history, we have continued to look at our explorer topic. We have looked at Ibn Battuta and Neil Armstrong and discussed the different places they explored. We also thought about questions we would like to ask them about their adventures.
As it was parliament week, we found out who our local MP is and we did a virtual tour of the Houses of Parliament. We discussed how this linked to our school council and the role they play in improving our school.
In art, we have looked at some winter tree landscapes and discussed how to mix hot and cold colours. The children loved creating different shades of colours.
Thank you for helping the children to learn their lines for the play at home. It is much appreciated. We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 22nd November
This week the children have been working very hard on the nativity play. We have given out parts to the children and will send home words next week so they can practise at home. They have enjoyed practising the songs and everyone has had a lovely positive attitude.
In maths, the children have been adding and subtracting two digit numbers such as 46 + 30 and 76 - 40. They have enjoyed using practical resources to work out the equations.
In English, we have started our new story- The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. We have been learning lots of new vocabulary related to the story.
This week, in science, we have been looking at how animals survive in their habitat. We looked at how hermit crabs protect themselves by wearing shells and enjoyed watching the famous David Attenborough clip of the hermit crabs swapping shells.
As always, thanks for your on-going support. We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 15th November
This week we have been working hard in maths to add and subtract numbers up to 100. We have been using the rekenreks as well as mental methods.
In English, we have finished retelling our story Field Trip to the Moon. We tried hard to include exciting openers, adjectives, conjunctions and questions in our work.
In art, we have been sketching winter trees. We have been studying photos and using a range of pencils to sketch them.
In computing, we have been learning about branching databases. We enjoyed sorting animals into the right categories.
It has also been anti-bullying week. We all wore our odd socks and learnt about how to stop bullies and the different types of bullying.
Thanks for all your help with reading and homework. The children have been working hard at home. We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 8th November
The children have been very busy this week. On Monday, the children worked with Beth, a dance coach from South Ribble to develop their dance skills. They created a dance linked to the 'Trolls Movie' and Beth was very impressed with the end dance the children produced.
In English, we have been reading the book 'Field Trip to the Moon'. The children are really enjoying the story and have been developing their writing skills. They have been using the conjunction 'because' in sentences and working on writing exciting sentences and questions linked to the text. We have also been picking out new vocabulary from the text and discussing meanings of these words. The children have been trying hard to use this new vocabulary in their writing, which is great to see.
In maths, we have been adding and subtracting by bridging 10's and have been working hard to develop a quick recall of different addition and subtraction facts e.g. 11- 4, 15 - 6, 8 + 5 etc. In RE we have been thinking about how to make the world a better place. The children came up with lots of good ideas such as saving electricity, looking after animals and plants and making sure everyone puts their litter in the bin. In art we have been collecting images of winter trees and sketching them using different types of pencils. As part of our PSHE work, we have been focusing on similarities and differences between different people and celebrating what makes us unique.
We have started to learn some songs for our Christmas nativity play. A letter with information linked to this will come out next week.
Thank you all for your continued support.
The Y2 Team
Friday 1st November
The children have settled back into school very well after the half term break. In English this week, the children have been reading a book called 'Bob the Man on the Moon.' They have been making predictions about the story and then retelling it ensuring they used lots of expanded noun phrases and exciting sentences in their version of the story. We had some fabulous pieces of work.
In maths, the children have been working on bridging ten and adding three, single digit numbers. We have been focusing on using our number bond knowledge to help. Hit the button is a good game to work on number bond skills at home. We have been focusing on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.
As part of our computing work we have been talking about how to stay safe online, the children then made some super posters which contained good advice. In Science, the children carried out an investigation about what happens to our bodies when we exercise. We have also been classifying different objects as alive, was once alive and never been alive, we had some very interesting discussions in class.
Thank you for your continued support at home, it is very much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Y2 Team
Friday 18th October
This week we have been writing some exciting fictional instructions about how to make a cloud. The children wrote some super instructions using imperative 'bossy' verbs and they used adjectives well. In maths, the children have been looking at number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and have been learning how to add and subtract ones. We have been playing a few maths games to build up our fluency. Have a look at some adding games on Topmarks Maths online games or Maths Seeds if you would like to practise adding and subtracting at home.
In art, the children have created their final pieces. They drew some emotional self-portraits using pencils and oil pastels and we were very impressed by the results. The children took selfies on the ipad and studied their facial features carefully while showing different emotions. In P.E, we got the equipment out again to practise our gymnastics sequences. The children really impressed us with a range of rolls, jumps and balances.
We have been very impressed with the quality of homework sent in by the children. Thank you all for your support this term with homework, spellings and reading. The children have got off to a flying start in Y2!
Hope you all have a lovely half term break!
The Y2 Team
Friday 11th October
This week has been life skills week!
We have enjoyed writing instructions to make jelly and different types of sandwiches. We enjoyed making our own sandwiches and eating them.
As part of life skills week, we had two workshops. We had a mental health workshop where the children learnt calming down techniques. We enjoyed taking an imaginary walk through the wellbeing forest and meeting all the characters.
HSBC also came into class to talk to us about saving and spending our money. We discussed the difference between spending money on things we need and spending money on things we want.
In science, we learnt about a balanced diet. We all designed a plate of food that had a balance of carbohydrates, protein, veg and dairy foods on it. We then made the foods using playdoh and practised using a knife and fork correctly to chop them up.
We also learnt some British Sign Language to well known songs!
What a busy week! Just a reminder that homework is due next week. Please bring their homework books back next week.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 4th October
This week the children in year two have worked really hard in all lessons. In English, we finished off our work on the story of the three little wolves and the Big Bad Pig. The children retold the story really well using new vocabulary and exciting sentences! In maths, the children finished off their work on place value with a short test. We were really pleased with their attainment. Next week, we will be moving onto addition and subtraction and looking at our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.
In art, the children have been studying the artist Jeffrey Isaac and looking at his emotional portraits. They had a go at sketching some of their own. In P.E, the children have continued to work on their ball skills and play simple piggy in the middle games. We have been learning how to attack, defend and find space.
During science lessons this week, the children were learning about what an animal needs to survive. We looked in detail at the needs of a lion and a polar bear. We found out how they hunt for food and how they survive in their habitats. In computing, the children have been learning how to type and word process. They learnt about caps lock, back space and changing the font size and colour.
If the children would like to take part in the art competition for this month have a look at the details on the Art Blog (under the children's section of our website). The work is due after half term and the children have been asked to study Vincent Van Gogh and create a 'Sunflower' picture or a 'Starry Night' picture in the same style as this artist. Good luck to all participants!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 27th September
This week the children have really settled well into Y2 routines. We have enjoyed listening to the story of the Big Bad Pig and learning how to write questions and verbs with -ed endings. Next week, we will be retelling this story. In maths, we have been comparing two digit numbers and ordering them from greatest to smallest and smallest to greatest. We have been learning how to use the greater than and less than signs.
In science, the children have been learning about what a human needs to survive. We looked at the differences between the things we actually need and the things we want.
In art, we have been taking selfies of ourselves showing different emotions. We looked at how our faces change when our emotions change such as how our eyebrows and lips move and where we get wrinkles! We sketched our different emotions in our sketch books.
Keep up the fab work Y2 and have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 20th September
It has been a very productive week in year 2. In English, the children have been working on using exciting sentence openers and 'ed' suffixes correctly in their retell of the story 'Cinderboy'. The children have enjoyed comparing and contrasting the story of Cinderboy to the story of Cinderella; they came up with some great ideas.
In maths this week, the children have been partitioning numbers in lots of different ways and also placing numbers correctly on number lines.
We have seen some super self portraits in art sketch books this week and in science the children have been sequencing and sorting different life cycles.
The children did really well in their first year 2 spelling test today.
The Y2 Team
Friday 13th September
We have had a very busy week in Y2. In English, we have been using different sentence openers and taking care to spell -ed suffixes correctly in our writing. We have been retelling the story of Cinderboy and the children have been working hard on their handwriting. In maths, we have continued to partition two digit numbers using tens and ones and part whole models. In history, we have been looking at how technology has changed over the last 60 years. We have been looking at how computers, phones and musical devices have changed over time. Music has also been lots of fun! We have been using the chime bars to play a simple melody. The children have enjoyed gymnastics this week. We have been learning how to do different rolls and balances in a simple sequence. In computing, the children have been developing their word processing skills in the computer suite. We have been changing fonts and learning how to type.
The children will be coming home with their homework books and spelling books this week. They will bring their spelling book home every Friday with words to learn the following week and they need to bring this back the following Friday for their test.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Welcome to Y2!
We have had a lovely week with year two. We have been very busy learning our new routines and getting used to life in Y2.
In maths, we have been learning to read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words and we have been representing the numbers in different ways such as using dienes and ones, rekenreks and counters. In English, we have been reading the story of Cinderella and writing sentences about it. We have been focusing on our letter formation and making our handwriting really neat.
In science, we have been learning about baby animals. We enjoyed matching the parent to the young and learning about how baby animals grow and change.
Spelling tests will usually be on Fridays however we won't be having a test for a few weeks in order to settle all the children in. The children will bring their spelling book home when we need the children to learn their spellings for the test.
On Fridays, children are allowed to bring in some show and tell if they have a special achievement to share with the class. This can be a certificate, trophy or a book they are reading at home. Please don't bring in any toys.
Thank you for all your support so far. We are sure we will have a brilliant year with all our new Y2s.
Friday 19th July
We can't believe that we are at the end of the academic year!
We have been busy this week, designing, making and evaluating our pasta salads. Year 2 did a great job cutting the different vegetables using the bridge grip and the claw grip and they also really enjoyed eating their salads.
In computing, the children have been adapting a powerpoint of instructions about how to make a pasta salad. They all worked hard changing the font sizes, colours and inserting pictures - well done year 2! In maths, we have been interpreting different charts and answering questions such as 'How many more people prefer apples to oranges?' We have also been working on position and direction and the related vocabulary.
We had some whole year group rounders matches on Tuesday during our PE lessons, there were some super skills and great sportsmanship on show. In art, we have been sewing fish and then decorating them using fabrics pens, sequins and felt. They produced some wonderful creations.
Year 2 have been a pleasure to teach and it's been so rewarding for us, as staff, to watch them develop their skills in all areas. A huge thank you to you the parents and carers for your continued support over the year. Thanks also for the kind words, cards and gifts, they are very much appreciated.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer break and the sun continues to shine.
The Y2 Team
Friday 12th July
What a busy week it has been! We enjoyed our Sports Day and the children really impressed us with their sportsmanship and amazing athletics skills. Have a look at some of the photos below.
In art, we have been sketching and painting tropical fish and designing our own fish that we are going to sew next week. In science, we have been growing bean plants and checking their progress each day. We have also been carrying out an investigation to see how cress grows in different conditions.
In DT, we have started to design our pasta salads. We have come up with some good ideas for ingredients to use in our design booklets and we look forward to making and tasting them next week.
In maths, the children have been learning about statistics and data. They enjoyed making tally charts and reading and interpreting pictograms.
In English, the children have been writing a diary as the dad from Diary of a Killer Cat. We had some very funny lines and the children enjoyed showing how angry they were with Tuffy the cat.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the football!
The Y2 Team
Friday 5th July
We have been working very hard in class again this week. In English, we have continued to read our class novel 'The Diary of a Killer Cat', the children have been writing a set of instructions about how to take a naughty cat to the vets safely! There have been some very creative and original pieces of writing with super word choices and great use of expanded noun phrases. In maths, we have been working on telling the time to the nearest five minutes on an analogue clock. Please keep asking your children at home to tell you what time it is, as many of them are very confident with this now.
In science we have been keeping an eye on our beans which are growing well, these will be coming home soon. In RE the children have been finding out about Islamic prayer and have designed some very nice prayer mats. In our PSHE lessons the children have been thinking about their achievements this year and things they would like to achieve in the future.
Everyone in year 2 enjoyed the Proms in the Playground concert; which was sadly inside due to the bad weather. They all enjoyed singing ' Power in Me'. The children thought the brass group were amazing and really enjoyed singing along to 'Sweet Caroline'.
Sports day is planned for Monday, we are hoping the weather stays fine.
Have an enjoyable weekend
The Y2 Team
Friday 28th June
We have had another busy week in school this week. In English, we wrote a recount of our trip to Martin Mere and in maths we have been continuing to learn how to tell the time and practising our arithmetic skills.
In art, we had fun sketching tropical fish and using different thicknesses of pencils. We produced some beautiful work. In R,E, we drew a mosque and labelled the inside of it. We have also been practising our Sports Day races in P.E as well as playing rounders.
We also had some very special visitors in school to teach us about Sikhism. We enjoyed learning about their religion and customs during assembly time.
Just a reminder that Sports Day takes place on Monday morning. We look forward to seeing you then.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 21st June
We have had a really busy week doing assessments this week! The children have worked so hard and we are really proud of them.
In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past both in analogue and digital. Next week, we are going to look at how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
In science, we have started growing our bean plants. We are going to be keeping a diary to see how they progress each day.
We really enjoyed our trip to Martin Mere on Friday! It was a lovely treat after we had all worked so hard. We did pond dipping, minibeast hunting, looked at a variety of birds and had some time on the playground.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 14th June
This week we have started our new class novel 'The diary of a killer cat' by Anne Fine. We are finding it very funny. We have done a lot of work this week making predictions, inferences about the characters and writing character descriptions. We have been reading snippets of the book and finding evidence to back up our opinions.
In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on analogue clocks. Next week, we will look at times to the nearest five minutes!
In science, we enjoyed making observations of seeds. We used microscopes and magnifying glasses to look at the seeds and then sketch them. We talked about what seeds are used for, where they come from and what happens when they are germinated.
We also enjoyed making cards to celebrate Father's Day this week.
Well done to some of the Y2 children who represented our school at a football tournament on Thursday night. They did really well despite the terrible weather! We are looking forward to our trip next week to Martin Mere. Fingers crossed the weather is better!
Have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 7th June
Welcome back to school! We have all enjoyed coming back in and settling back down to work.
In English, we wrote some super letters pretending to be a disgruntled whiteboard pen. We complained about how the children were treating us and demanded change!
In maths, we have just finished our unit of work on measures. Next week, we will be learning to tell the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
Everyone has had a letter about our school trip to Martin Mere in their bags tonight. We go on Friday 21st June. Please make your payments online for this trip.
Many thanks for your continued support.
The Y2 Team
Friday 24th May
What a busy week it has been!
We have been very arty this week as we have been to visit the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool and also finished off our final pieces inspired by Romero Britto. We really enjoyed the gallery and we were so impressed with how grown up the year two children were when examining art. Many members of the public commented on their exemplary behaviour. Well done everyone!
In our art lessons, we have been finishing our final pieces inspired by Romero Britto. We have used pencils, watercolours, oil pastels and printing inks to create our masterpieces. They look amazing!
In maths, we have been learning about measures such as grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres. We have enjoyed measuring things and solving measure-related problems.
In English, we have been pretending to be crayons from the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We have enjoyed writing letters of complaint to Duncan. We will continue this after half term on Thursday and Friday when we pretend to be a disgruntled whiteboard pen!
We hope you have a lovely half term.
The Y2 Team
Friday 17th May
This week, we have been learning all about measures in maths. We really enjoyed using the tape measures and balance scales to measure things in cm, m and grams and kilograms.
In English, we have been reading our new story- The Day the Crayons Quit. We have been using different types of conjunctions to write about how the different crayons are feeling. We can't wait to see their letters of complaint next week!
In art, we have been learning about the artist Romero Britto. We looked at his patterns this week and had a go at drawing a South American animal in the style of Romero Britto. Next week, we will be completing our prints!
In science, we learnt about the strength of different types of materials. We made predictions and tested the materials to see how much weight they could hold. We had lots of fun counting up the grams and watching the materials tear.
Next week, we are going on our trip to The Walker Art Gallery on Tuesday 21st May. Please tell the children to come to school in their normal uniform (green jumper/cardigan) and bring their water bottle. If they have ordered a school dinner, we will bring this for them. If not, please bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag with their name on. Please also make sure the children are in school for 8.15am to be registered and use the toilet as we are leaving at 8.30am. We will be back in school for normal pick up time.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 10th May
This week we have been reading Paddington at the Circus and have been using lots of expanded noun phrases, exciting sentences and questions in our writing. In maths we have moved on to your new topic of measures. The children have been using a ruler to measure lines in cm and have also been using a metre tape measure to find objects which are longer or shorter than a metre. As part of our art topic, we have been finding out about the Brazilian artist Romero Britto. We have been discussing key features of his work and in geography we have been looking at his home country Brazil. We have enjoyed researching facts on the ipads about Brazil.
Have a lovely weekend
The Y2 Team
Another fantastic week in Year 2! All of the children have once again worked extremely hard in everything they have done. In English this week, the children have explored powerful verbs, contracted words and time adverbials to describe the bathroom scene in the story 'Paddington'. They have all embraced this topic so far and have thoroughly enjoyed watching and discussing the scene. This is evident through their super work! In maths, we began our fractions topic. We have discussed how to find a half of a number as well as quarters of numbers. For Geography, our new 'Brazil' topic began by mapping out where Brazil is in South America and any neighboring countries. There were some very colourful maps that were labelled expertly! PSHE this week involved a talk about the learning line. As a class we spoke about trying your best each day to overcome tough challenges we may face. We know that when facing something new, at first we may not succeed, but if we try and try again we can achieve anything. The class have continued their Tennis topic in PE. They are improving each week and have developed their technique of hitting the ball in the middle of the racket. In music lessons, the children learnt the Scottish folk song "My bonnie lies over the ocean" on the glockenspiels and sang the song beautifully. The children all really enjoyed football day! We had 3 children who actually managed to 'Beat Mr Biggs' in net. Well done everyone for great sportsmanship!
26th April 2024
What a super week! The children are well and truly back into the school routine and are working extremely hard. In English this week we have started are new topic, Paddington! The children have embraced this new topic and have produced some excellent work. We have discussed the feelings of the main characters at the start of the story, written a diary entry from Paddington's perspective, and used powerful verbs to describe the crazy bathroom scene.
In maths, we have started our new topic on fractions. The children have been introduced to halves, quarters and thirds. We will be looking at finding two quarters and three quarters of numbers next week too!
In art, the children have been sketching some Brazilian animals. They really enjoyed using different sketching techniques!
In computing, the children have been conducting a survey about favourite snacks and fruit in 2A. The children made a tally chart and then made this into a block graph to show their results.
The children came home with a letter about our school fundraiser- a KS1 Fun Night. Tickets for this can be bought online.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
19th April 2024
Welcome back! The children have all settled back into school very well. This week in English the children have been writing a diary entry as Badger, Ratty or Mole. They have been working hard to include exclamation sentences, questions and to use WOW words. We have had some fantastic pieces of writing. In maths, the children have finished their unit of work on money, they have been calculating change from 10p, 20p and £1 and solving money related word problems. Next week we will be moving onto fractions. As part of our computing work, the children have been creating tally charts and then representing this data on a block graph. In PE the children have been developing their tennis skills and learning our dance from the heart routine. In science we have been talking about the different materials objects are made from and explaining why. We have been trying hard to use scientific words such as brittle, waterproof, absorbent, transparent etc. The children enjoyed garage band app in music to compose a space inspired soundscape.
Tonight children will have their homework books and a letter for our visit to The Walker Art Gallery.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
End of Term - Thursday 28th March
This week in English the children have started to read the story of 'Wind in the willows' and have made some super predictions about what might happen. They have also been describing Mr Toad and inferring his feelings. We will continue with this story after the Easter break. In maths, we have been adding up different coins and notes and have been writing the amounts using the £ and the decimal point. We have also been making amounts of money in different ways.
In RE, the children have been retelling the Easter story in lots of detail, there were some great versions of the story. The children also enjoyed taking part in a maths Easter Egg Hunt! They enjoyed hunting for the clues on the playground and applying their maths skills to solve the different equations, they all enjoyed their reward of a chocolate bunny and egg.
In geography we have been keeping an eye on our rain gauges and measuring the rainfall and temperature each day. We have also been finding out about the festival of Eid and the children really enjoyed making an Eid card.
Thank you for all of your support with homework, there have been some great pieces of work produced.
We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.
The Y2 Team
Friday 22nd March
Year 2 have really enjoyed writing riddles this week. They have written riddles about potatoes, daffodils and biscuits. They have worked hard to use different conjunctions such as- but, because and or, as well as using new openers such as, sometimes, occasionally and often.
In maths, we have been looking at all of the different coins and talking about the values of each. We have then been adding up amounts of money too. Some great work so far.
In geography this week we have been creating a map of our outside area. We went outside and looked at key features on the playground and then created some super maps which even included a key! We have set up some rain gauges as we are monitoring rainfall and temperature over the next week. We have been working on materials in science and have been learning some new vocabulary e.g. transparent, rigid, flexible. We have been discussing why objects are made from specific materials, we have had some great responses and ideas from the children.
In R.E, the children have been finding out about the Easter story. They have acted out the story of Palm Sunday by riding on a donkey and waving palm branches.
In D.T, the children have finished their vehicles and evaluated them. They created some fabulous designs!
We are not having a spelling test next week but we have stuck words in ready for a test on the Friday 19th April.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 15th March
What a great STEAM week( science, technology, engineering, art and maths) the children have had!
On Monday, we had a visit from 'Mad Science' who did a fantastic assembly full of exciting science experiments and the children learnt some wonderful facts. Following on from this, the children had a visit from Jetpack Jo and they worked with her to create their own slime. They had to mix a number of liquids together and they all followed instructions very well. Throughout the week, the children have been designing and making their own vehicles. They have researched different types of vehicles and talked about how to make a chasis. They then used dowel, washers and wheels to make this and added shoe boxes, cardboard and other materials to create their own vehicles.
On Wednesday the children also had a visit from scientist Luke, they found out about the history of flight and the Wright Brothers. They then worked to create their own aeroplanes and all thoroughly enjoyed testing them out in the hall to see which would travel the furthest. A highlight of the week was working together to create a Lego city. The children used Lego to build a variety of buildings and then used batteries, wires and bulbs to light up their buildings, The team work and perseverance skills on display were excellent.
To end the week, the children have been on a zoom call with a year 2 class from a different primary school, sharing their STEAM learning from the week. We have also had visits from our year 6 buddy classes too! We were also very lucky to have pilot Kate visit us today and tell us all about her job flying aeroplanes for British Airways. The children listened very well and asked some super questions.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 8th March
This week we have been working hard on multiplication and division again. The children are really getting to grips with the x2, x5 and x10 tables. In the next couple of weeks, we will be moving onto money. It may be useful to recap what all the coins and notes look like at home to prepare for this. There are also some great money games on the Topmarks website. Toy Shop Money Game (GBP) - Topmarks
In our English lessons, we have started our work on riddles. The children have enjoyed writing riddles about fruit this week and we have tried including different conjunctions such as 'but' into their clues.
We also really enjoyed World Book Day. We spent a fun day celebrating authors and our favourite books. Thanks for all your hard work providing the children with outfits for the day.
In computing, the children have enjoyed going into the computer suite to learn how to edit and save a word document. They have also been searching the internet for images of Fantastic Mr Fox and copying and pasting this to their document.
Thank you for bringing in cereal boxes. The children have started to make their 3D tudor house sculptures in art and are really enjoying this process.
If you have any shoeboxes at home, please bring them into school next week because we are designing and making cars. The teachers will be going to shoe shops this weekend to try and get some spare ones if you haven't got one.
Thanks for your continued help and support. We hope you have a lovely weekend celebrating Mother's Day. The children enjoyed making cards for all the special women in their lives this week.
The Y2 Team
Friday 1st March
This week we had a visit from the Fire Service. They came in to talk to us all about fire safety and explained how to make a fire plan. The children answered questions well and all enjoyed role playing what to do if there was a fire.
In English this week, the children have enjoyed researching lots of facts about foxes. We have been working on using interesting sentence openers as well as a range of conjunctions. The children have then used all of these skills to write their own non-chronological report, there have been some excellent pieces of writing. In maths, we have continued to work on division and looked at 'sharing' as well as 'grouping'. We have been creating collages of Tudor style houses in art and in science the children have been thinking about the different materials everyday objects are made from. All the children have been developing their word processing skills in computing and enjoyed changing font styles, colours and sizes in a word processing program. They were all very good at saving their work too!
Have a lovely weekend,
The Y2 Team
Friday 23rd February
Welcome back Y2! We hope you had a lovely half term!
We have had a very busy week in school. In maths, we have started to work on division. We have been grouping objects in twos, fives and tens and writing division equations to match. In English, we have written our own diary entry pretending to be a farmer from Fantastic Mr Fox. We were impressed with how well the children got into role.
In science, the children have been learning about food chains. We created our own using pictures of different animals and used lots of tricky words such as predator, prey, consumer and producer.
In art, the children have been sketching Tudor style houses as part of our Great Fire of London work. They are looking forward to building these houses out of cereal boxes in the coming weeks.
In music, the children have been creating their own rhythmic compositions and coming up with ideas to notate them. They have also enjoyed singing songs about The Great Fire of London.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 9th February
This week, year 2 have been learning about online safety during 'Safer internet day'. We have talked about all of the things they can do to stay safe online and about speaking to a trusted adult if they have any concerns.
In maths, we have started working on multiplication and have been doing lots of work on making equal groups and counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.
In English, we have have continued to read our class novel 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. The children have been writing exciting sentences using a range of different openers.
The children have produced some super landscape pictures linked to 'The Great Fire of London' and have been developing their colour mixing skills. They also made a timeline and sequenced the key events.
The children have all enjoyed making a dragon as part of our work on 'Chinese New Year'. The children have also been sharing their homework - we've had some fantastic pieces of work sent in. Thank you for all of your support at home with this.
We hope you all have an enjoyable half term break.
Thank you all for you continued support.
The Y2 Team
Friday 2nd February
This week we have started our new story Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We have enjoyed listening to the story, making predictions and drawing the story setting. Next week, we will be working hard to write a diary from the point of view of different characters.
In maths, we have just finished learning about 3D shapes. We can know identify all the shapes and count their faces, edges and vertices. Next week, we are starting our work on multiplication so please practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s at home.
In P.E, we have really enjoyed doing our Great Fire of London dance and we were also treated to a special yoga session by Mrs Gibson!
In computing, we have been learning about coding and programming. We have been using a program called Scratch Junior to make different animations. You can download this for free at home too if you would like more practice!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 26th January
The children have been working hard in English this week writing diary entries. They have written in role as a character and used a range of conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and different openers. We were really impressed with their finished work.
In maths, the children have been working on the properties of 2D shapes. They have also been looking at horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry.
As part of PSHE work the children have been discussing 'British Values' and thinking of examples of these in school. We have had the glockenspiels out in music lessons and the children have been working on playing the melody ' London's Burning'. As part of our art work, the children have been mixing colours and creating their own colour wheel. In PE, they have had a yoga workshop this week which they all really enjoyed, they are also continuing to develop their hockey skills.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend,
Y2 Team
Friday 19th January
Year 2 have had lots of exciting opportunities this week. On Tuesday, we took part in a zoom workshop with Paul Morton who is the author of the book 'Bug Belly'. We met online with other Axia schools and he talked to us about where he gets his ideas for writing and also explained his books are based on one of his favourite creatures - a frog!
On Thursday, the children had a visit from Professor Tuesday who delivered a workshop all about The Great Fire of London. The children answered her questions well and enjoyed looking at artefacts. In class the children have been working hard to learn about the key events from The Great Fire of London.
On Friday the children took part in a dodgeball session. All the children showed great skills and were very competitive!
In maths this week, the children have been naming 2D and 3D shapes and discussing some of their properties. In English we have been working on using different conjunctions and then retelling the story of Vlad. We have had some super versions of the story.
Have a lovely weekend and thank you all for your continued support,
The Y2 Team
Friday 12th January
Welcome back and Happy New Year! This term we will be learning about The Great Fire of London in our topic lessons. We have enjoyed finding out about what London was like in 1666 this week and we have been learning a Great Fire of London dance in P.E too.
In art, we have been learning about hot and cold colours and enjoyed colour mixing with watercolour paints. We studied the work of a famous artist called William Turner and looked at what atmosphere he was creating with his hot and cold colours.
Next Thursday, we will be taking part in a special Great Fire of London workshop which we are very excited about!
Spellings and homework have been stuck in the children's books. They are all doing very well with their reading and spellings so far this year.
Our role play area this term is a Science lab! The children have been enjoying experimenting with different materials, magnets, microscopes and magnifying glasses. Everyone will have had their turn in the Science lab by next week.
Dodgeball club starts on Monday. Everyone who brought their reply slip back has a place. These were mainly the children who were on the waiting list before Christmas.
Have a great weekend!
The Y2 Team
Friday 20th December
We have really enjoyed our last week at school. It has been filled with crafts, artwork and lots of partying! We really enjoyed creating our winter tree landscapes in art and making our Christmas cards. We learnt how to mix colours with paint and make them lighter and darker.
Our party day was a real success! The children enjoyed a morning of arts and crafts before having their party food. They spent the afternoon dancing, playing corners, musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. We also had a very special visit from Father Christmas himself!
We would like to also wish Mrs Mears good luck as she is leaving to go and live in Australia with her family! We will all miss her enormously! We hope to be able to link up with her new school in Australia and video call her in the near future.
Hope you all have a lovely break over this festive period.
The Year Two Team
Friday 15th December
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the year 2 nativity, we hope you all enjoyed it. The children performed so well and we are very proud of them all.
This week in class, we have been designing and making puppets as part of our design technology work. The children looked at different puppets and then came up with their own Christmas themed design ideas. They worked very carefully when sewing the puppets together and came up with some very eye catching decorations.
We have continued our work on 'The Snowman' and have been using the conjunction 'when' in sentences, as well as using lots of exciting vocabulary. We are writing our own versions of the story and trying to include all of the key features we have worked on this term.
In maths, we have been exchanging a ten when completing subtraction equations and applying our maths skills to reasoning questions too.
We have retold the Christmas story using pictures and we had some fabulous versions of this.
Spellings for the first week back have been stuck into spelling books today.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 8th December
The children have been working VERY hard this week with the final preparations for the Year 2 nativity play. The acting, speaking, singing and dancing has really developed this week and the dress rehearsals for the other children in school have gone very well. The children are really looking forward to performing for you all on Tuesday.
We have continued to read 'The Snowman' and focused on using past tense verbs in sentences and ensuring that they are correctly spelled.The children have all been trying really hard to keep their work neat too. As part of the Explorers topic in History, the children have found out about the explorer Ibn Battuta and created some great pieces of writing about why he is famous, there were some superb pictures too. In maths, the children have continued to add and subtract two digit numbers using tens and ones and solve reasoning problems where these methods are needed.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Y2 Team
Friday 1st December
We had a lovely week rehearsing the play. The children are learning their lines well and are enjoying singing the songs. We can't wait to show you all soon!
We have also enjoyed our dance workshops. We learnt a dance to the Trolls song. Have a look at the photos above showing our great moves!
In English, we are reading the Snowman and focusing on our handwriting and presentation. In maths, we are continuing to work on our addition and subtraction. The children are applying this knowledge to solve reasoning questions. The children are working very hard in all areas.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 24th November
This week the children have been very excited to start work on our Christmas nativity play. The stage has been put up in the hall and the children are working hard to learn the songs, lines and when to move. We'll keep working on this over the coming weeks.
In class, we have started a new text 'The Snowman' and the children have been learning some new vocabulary linked to this. In maths, the children have been adding two digit numbers and have started work on subtraction. The children have been using chalks and charcoals in art lessons this week to create tree landscapes inspired by the artist Keith Webber. All letters with tickets attached have been put in book bags today.
Have a lovely weekend
The Y2 Team
Friday 17th November
This week the children have been reading the story 'Field Trip to the Moon'. We have been learning about exciting sentences, contracted words and using the conjunction because in sentences. The children wrote some excellent retells of the stories and remembered to include many of these clever features.
In maths, the children have been adding two digit numbers together where the ones bridge ten for example- 69 + 15. The children were reminded to draw out the tens and ones and add the ones first. They did very well with these tricky equations and we will continue to work on this next week.
In science, the children have been learning about life cycles. We discussed new vocabulary such as metamorphosis. They looked at many life cycles such as the life cycle of a butterfly, frog and hen.
In history, the children learnt about a new explorer called Amelia Earhart. We learnt about how she attempted to fly around the world. The children enjoyed using the ipads to get into the role of Amelia and write about her thoughts and feelings.
R.E, the children have been writing about their wishes for a better planet. We talked about some of the problems in our world and what we could do to make the world a better place.
Thank you for sending in the nativity reply slips. Rehearsals will start next week. We have already learnt a few song!
We will send the tickets for the performance home. We have most costumes in school, however, narrators may need to bring in some of their own clothes.
Many thanks for your help with this.
The Y2 Team
Friday 10th November
This week we have been reading a book called ' Bob, the man on the moon'. The children have been developing their use of exciting sentence starters as well as using commas in a list and expanded noun phrases. In maths, we have been adding and subtracting 10 and 10's to different two digit numbers. The children have also been completing some very tricky maths challenges.
As part of outdoor learning day, year 2 went outside in their art lesson to take photographs of trees. They then came back into class and sketched these. We have also been finding out about Diwali and have enjoyed colouring Rangoli patterns. We went to the hall and heard the Last Post played Mrs Greig and held a silence as part of our Remembrance assembly.
Thank you for the huge response to the dodgeball club. We have decided to hold another club after Christmas to cater for the large number of children who were interested. You will find out which club your child has been allocated by looking at the slip in their book bag
Remember to wear odd socks on Monday for the start of anti bullying week and Friday is Children in Need - please wear what you like.
Thank you for your continued support
The Year 2 Team
Friday 3rd November
This week we have started our history topic about famous explorers, The children found out about Neil Armstrong and watched a video of the first moon landing. The children sequenced key facts about his life on a timeline. In PSHE the children have been comparing themselves with a class mate. We talked about celebrating our differences and similarities. In maths, we have worked on adding and subtracting single digit numbers from two digit numbers and challenging ourselves to solve missing number equations. The children have really enjoyed writing their own rhyming 'What I like' poems. They have used fantastic adjectives as well as commas in a list - we are very impressed!
For our R.E lesson, we had a visit from Mrs Redman. She came to speak to us about what it is like to be a Christian. We had lots of questions to ask her about the food hub she runs and the good work she does in the community. Thank you for visiting us!
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 2 Team
Friday 20th October
This week we have been composing pieces of music using the chime bars. We had to use the notes C - G and make a melody. There were some fantastic melodies which were played very well. Great work year 2!
In science, we have been learning about healthy eating. We all designed a healthy plate of food and talked about why we need a bit of each food group to stay healthy.
Today was anti-racism day. To raise awareness of the day, we all came dressed in red. We found out about an inspirational person called Mae Jemison who was the first African-American female astronaut. We learnt about how she grew up with big dreams and became a scientist, doctor and finally an astronaut. We learnt about how she travelled round space for 8 days doing science experiments.
Thank you for all your on-going support this term! We really appreciate it. Hope you all have a very safe and happy half term!
The Y2 Team
Friday 13th October
This week has been life skills week! We have had a number of visitors come into class to talk to us. First of all, we had a visit from the Blue Cross and they talked to us about keeping safe around dogs. On Tuesday, we took part in a mental health workshop where we discussed what to do if we were worried about something. We learnt about breathing techniques and relaxation. On Wednesday, Denise came in to see us from HSBC bank in Preston. She talked to us about our 'wants' and 'needs' and talked to us about saving money. We loved looking at the real notes and coins from the bank! On Thursday, we had a visit from the NSPCC and they talked to us about keeping ourselves safe and talking to a trusted adult if we have any problems or worries. We have been really impressed with how well the children have listened and the thoughtful questions they have asked. In Science, we have been talking about how to keep our bodies healthy and have created posters about this. The children have all taken home a toothbrush and toothpaste tonight to keep their teeth in tip top condition! In Art, the children have used oil pastels to create self-portraits with different emotions. What a busy week!
Homework is due next week. We have been so impressed with the pieces we have already received.
The Y2 Team
Friday 6th October
This week we have been learning about the continent Africa in Geography. We located landmarks and animals on the map and used Atlases to find out all about the continent.
In P.E, we have been using equipment in gymnastics to complete sequences. The children practised balancing, jumping and rolling.
In English, we made jelly and then wrote instructions to tell others how to make it. We will be writing some more instructions next week about how to make sandwiches.
In maths, the children have been learning about number sequences. The children practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s forwards and backwards from different starting points.
Thanks again for all your support at home. The children have now got all their parents evening slips in their bags. Please let us know if you require an appointment.
Many thanks
The Y2 team
Friday 29th September
In maths this week the children have been learning about number lines and counting in different intervals such as 10s and 1s. They have enjoyed the challenge of estimating where numbers would be placed on a blank number line. In English, the children have enjoyed the story of 'The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig'. They've been working on writing questions, writing exciting sentences with an exclamation mark at the end, as well as using good adjectives.
In Geography, the children have been learning about hot and cold parts of the world. They then found out where different animals live and stuck them on the map in the correct place.
In gymnastics lessons, the children have been doing different jumps, rolls and balances. They tried different point and patch balances and even some partner balances.
Spellings are in the children's books for next week. Thanks for all your help supporting them at home with this. We had some super scores this week!
The Y2 Team
Friday 22nd September
The children have all worked very hard in class this week. In English, the children have been retelling the story of Cinderboy and trying hard to use exciting sentence openers and questions in their writing. In maths, the children have been learning how to partition two digit numbers and work out missing numbers. They have been using the tens and ones to work these out.
In R.E, the children have been learning about kindness and how to respond to someone is making poor choices. The children enjoyed role playing these scenarios. In Science, the children have learnt about the human life cycle and what happens at each stage of our lives. They did some lovely writing about this.
The children all did very well on their spelling tests. Please remember to bring their spelling books in each Friday ready for the test.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 15th September
This week we have been very busy in maths. We have been learning about tens and ones and partitioning numbers in different ways. We used the apparatus in class to help us.
In English, we have been retelling the story Cinderboy which is a twist on the story Cinderella. We have been trying to start our sentences in different ways and focus on neat handwriting.
In Geography, we have been learning about the countries in the UK and the continents of the world. We used atlases to help us complete our map work.
In music, we have been learning a song on the chime bars called 'Once a man fell in the well'. We learnt some new terminology such as tempo, pitch, rhythm, pulse and volume.
In P.E, we have been playing piggy in the middle in our outdoor lesson and gymnastics during our indoor lesson.
All the children should now have their spelling book and homework book in their bag. Spelling tests will be every Friday. Homework is due on the 16th October.
Many thanks for all your support
The Y2 Team
The children have all settled well into Y2 and have impressed us with their super work. We have been very busy in English reading the story of Cinderella and describing the different characters. We have also been working hard to ensure our handwriting is neat and that ascenders and descenders are clear.
In maths, we have started our unit of work on place value and the children have been using a range of equipment to explore different representations of tens and ones. We have been impressed by their excellent partitioning skills!
In science, we have been naming and matching different animals and their young and in geography, we have been learning about the United Kingdom and its countries.
Reading books are in bags tonight, in their green diaries you can find their Reading Eggs and Purple Mash logins. We have started a reading challenge in class. Try to read at home as much as possible as reading is the key to all learning!
Thanks for all your support. Have a lovely weekend
The Y2 Team
Friday 14th July
Well done to all of Y2 for an amazing poetry performance. We are really proud of them all.
This week we have been very busy! We have been sewing fish, painting fish and learning all of our poetry!
Today the children have been making their mini quiches in design and technology. They designed their own and enjoyed making them and eating them.
Thanks for all the well wishes for the Summer!
The Year 2 Team
Friday 7th July
Both year two classes really enjoyed their visits to Martin Mere this week. They did a minibeast hunt in the woods and were shown how to identify minibeasts using a key. After that, they did pond dipping. The children found lots of minibeasts and even several newts. In the afternoon, we walked past the ducks and flamingos and saw some moorhen chicks. We then enjoyed ourselves on the playground before heading home.
Next week, there won't be any spelling test because we will be learning poems and songs for our poetry performance on Friday 14th July at 9.15am. We hope you can all make it!
The Year Two Team
Friday 30th June
Year 2 have enjoyed watching a French production this week on French day. They learnt lots of new vocabulary linked to greetings, colours and numbers. They also learnt two songs in french and sampled some pastries too.
In English this week, we have started our class novel 'Diary of a killer cat', the children made some super predictions and are looking forward to reading the rest of the story.
As part of our science work, the children have been germinating beans and are carrying out an investigation to see which conditions cress grows best in. They are making observations of their bean every few days to see how it is changing over time.
The children really enjoyed taking part in 'Dance from the heart' and learning the disney themed dance. On Tuesday the whole school met in the hall and performed the dance along with coaches from South Ribble Sports Partnership. There was also a special visit from Elsa, which the children loved.
Have a lovely weekend
The Y2 Team
Friday 23rd June
This week we had a special visit from Suleman's mum to tell us all about Islam to help us with our R.E work. She brought in some prayer mats and books and we wrote lots of questions to prepare for her visit. The children were very interested to hear all about her religion.
In maths, we have been solving word problems. The children tried hard to show their working out and figure out which operation to use.
In English, the children have been reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and have been writing letters from different coloured crayons. The letters were very funny and the children really captured the 'mood' of the crayons.
In P.E, we have been rehearsing a dance so we can take part in the whole school Dance from the Heart next week.
Thanks again for all your support at home.
The Y2 Team
Friday 16th June
The children have settled back into school very well after the half term break.
In English we are reading the book 'The day the crayons quit'. The children =wrote a letter of complaint from the point of view of a glue stick or whiteboard pen from our classroom. They all came up with great complaints that these classroom items could make!
In maths, the children have been solving a range of word problems and remembering to apply the correct strategies and methods. As part of our RE work this half term we are looking at Islam. We have been finding out about the mosque and then looking at the different areas inside and discussing what they are used for. The children have all been busy making a card ready for Father's Day this weekend.
A highlight of the week was sports day, the children behaved brilliantly and all demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and teamwork.
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
Y2 Team
Friday 26th May
We are SO proud of all the children in year 2 for their enthusiasm and effort in all of their work this half term.
This week has been STEAM week ( science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) the children have thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities they have taken part in this week. We had a visit from Stephen the 'Lego man' on Tuesday. The children worked using Lego bricks to make a building, they then added a battery and a wires to make it 'light up'. The children were so proud of their class 'Lego City'.
The children have all taken part in a KAPLA workshop too in the school hall. They worked in teams using very small pieces of wood to build different structures. They all co-operated and concentrated SO hard and produced some brilliant structures which were part of a whole school display.
The children have also been designing and making vehicles as part of their design technology work. They came up with very original design ideas and have produced some great vehicles.
In art, the children have made their own printing tile and then used this along with a roller and ink to produce a print which was in the style of the Brazilian artist Romero Britto. They are looking great, we will add the finial details after the half term break.
We hope everyone has a wonderful half term break; the children have worked so hard.
We also hope the sun continues to shine
The Y2 Team
Friday 19th May
We have had another busy week in year two!
In art, we have been learning about the artist Romero Britto from Brazil. We have been learning about abstract art, cubism and pattern making and we have been designing our own printing plate to print some designs next week.
In geography, we have been learning about landmarks in Brazil. The children had fun learning about the beaches, statues, rainforest and rivers there.
In computing, the children had a visit from Mrs Webb. They were asked to find out the most popular and least popular subjects in year 2. The children designed a survey, created a tally chart and a graph to show their results.
We are making cars next week in Y2 as part of STEAM week. Please bring in a shoebox with a detached lid if you can. If you have any junk modelling- such as tissue boxes and other small cardboard boxes that would also help us a lot!
Thanks for all your continued support this year.
The Y2 Team
Friday 12th May
Year 2 have had another busy week. In maths, the children have been working on interpreting tally charts, bar graphs and pictograms. They have been answering questions such as 'How many more children like apples than bananas?'
In English the children have been writing a recount about their visit to Hothersall Lodge, they all worked hard to include expanded noun phrases and a range of sentence openers.
In computing the children have enjoyed collecting data and then using this information to create bar charts and pictograms. As part of our geography work the children have been finding out about the country Brazil; they have been researching landmarks, famous people, foods and animals which you may find there.
In art, the children have been researching the the work of a famous Brazilian artist called Romero Britto.
We hope the sunshine stays for the rest of the weekend.
The Y2 Team
Friday 5th May
The children have really enjoyed the 'Coronation Celebrations' in school. They all had a great party lunch and looked fantastic in their red, white and blue clothes. They enjoyed making crowns and learning about our new King Charles 3rd. They drew some super portraits of him and are looking forward to seeing him on the new stamps and coins soon.
In class, the children have continued to work on telling the time to the nearest fifteen minutes. Next, week we will work on telling the time to the nearest five minutes.
We have continued to look at the story of Paddington Bear. The children have worked hard to describe Paddington's journey through London in a taxi. They enjoyed finding out about the different landmarks in London and describing them using expanded noun phrases.
In R.E, the children have looked at promises and when these can be made and when they should be avoided. They worked in groups to make up some good promises they could keep at home, for the environment and in school.
In music, the children have been listening to folk songs from the British Isles and creating their own seaside soundscapes.
In P.E, the children have been further developing their tennis skills.
We hope you enjoy the coronation and the long weekend!
The Y2 Team
Mrs Webb's writing competition has been extended, the closing date is now Tuesday 2nd May at 9 am.
Friday 28th April
The children have really enjoyed starting our new English topic where we are reading Paddington stories. This week they have been writing diary entry as Paddington and then thinking of powerful verbs to describe the action in the messy bathroom scene. In maths, we have finished our unit of work on measures; the children have really grown in confidence when reading different scales. Today we have started to work on telling the time, so far we have covered o'clock and half past. Here is a link to some games if anyone would like to do some extra practice.
We have started our topic on Brazil and the children have worked well using atlases to locate Brazil and its neighbouring countries. In art the children have been drawing rainforest animals and developing their sketching skills. In PE the children have been playing tennis and working on a dance to music from 'The Wind in the Willows'.
Next week there will not be a spelling test as the children are completing some assessments. Spellings are stuck in the book ready for the next test on Friday 12th May.
If the children would like to enter Mrs Webb's writing competition, the submission date has been extended to Tuesday 2nd May and details of the task are on the BLOG.
Thank your for ongoing support.
Y2 Team