Friday 31st January
We are coming to an end of another month in Year 3! We have had a fantastic couple of weeks. We have continued learning about the Ancient Egyptians and has a go at doing some of our own hieroglyphics. In Science, we have been learning about how fossils are made and have made our very own fossils. It has also been assessment week, so we have been working really hard with those!
Friday 17th January 2025!
We have had a great start to the new year in Year 3. We have started our new History topic about the Ancient Egyptians and have been creating posters all about the Egyptian pyramids and tombs. We will share these on the blog once they are finished. In Maths, we have started our new unit, multiplication and division and we will begin learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Friday 20th December
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!
Finishing an action packed fist full term, we'd like to say a huge thank you to all the pupils for their hard work.
We've had a great time completing crafts and finalising all our work and of course a mad dash around the playground!
Please enjoy the selection of images below!
We hope you have a lovely and restful break and we'll see you in the new year!
From all the Y3 team.
Friday 13th December
Another busy week in Year 3. We had an excellent day on Thursday as it was national Christmas Jumper day with a special lunch too! The children have started working on our Art project, designing and creating a Christmas decoration, Mrs Ball and Mrs Dixon have been working extra-hard untangling balls of sewing thread (and children).
We finished our Mary Anning English topic with a biography star write.
We're looking forward to an excellent final week of 2024 and enjoying all that comes with it!
Friday 22nd November
We have had a productive week in year 3. We have started our new text in English, Stone Girl Bone Girl, which is all story all about Mary Anning's life. We have also started to learn the formal methods of addition and subtraction, which we will be continuing to develop over the next few weeks. Here is the video of the children singing A Picture of Autumn from our poetry performance assembly. We hope you enjoy.
Monday 18th November
Thank you for supporting our children during our poetry performance assembly. Regrettably, the software we used for our first song failed us but I'm sure you'll agree the children coped exceptionally! We will record this when we have chance an post it to the blog later in the week!
Thank you again!
Year 3 Team
Friday 15th November
We have had a busy week reflecting and celebrating a number of occasions. Monday was Remembrance day, so we have created poppy field artwork in the style of Monet as a mark of remembrance and respect. Tuesday was Odd Sock Day to celebrate antibullying week. Wednesday was Bupa Coding day, where we all developed our understanding of programming and coding by giving instructions to a virtual robot. Finally we celebrated Children in Need on Friday . It was lovely to see the children wearing their own clothes.
Friday 9th November
We have had a busy couple of weeks back getting prepared for our class assembly. We have written a range of different types of poems and worked on developing our vocabulary to make them more interesting. We look forward to sharing them with you next week. Thank you for helping the children rehearse their lines, songs and poems at home. It is greatly appreciated.
In reading, we have started our next class novel, Grimwood. Which is a lovely book, which follows the adventures of two young foxes, Ted and Nancy.
In Maths, we have continued to look at adding and subtracting numbers up to 1000. We have been developing strategies to help with this by using place value charts. We have also been applying our understanding of number bonds and number facts to help us.
We have continued to learn about the stone Age in History, but we were also lucky enough to have a History workshop about the Ancient Egyptians. This was to develop our prior knowledge before learning about them in more depth next term.
Friday, 18th October - Happy Half Term
We've come to the end of a fun, challenging, and enjoyable first half-term in Year 3.
This week, we have discovered many creative descriptive words and phrases to describe fireworks and Bonfire Night for our upcoming poetry performance in our English lessons. Additionally, we have been using physical resources to explore addition and subtraction in our new Maths topic.
We have learned about Rosa Parks this week as part of Black History Month. It was fascinating to learn about her incredible life story and how she was involved in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
During Life Skills Week, we acquired new skills, including money management, how to make a healthy sandwich, and how to administer life-saving first aid and CPR.
This week, we completed our first-ever French topic based on basic greetings and conversation starters, and we wrote our Star Write, which consisted of interesting instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth.
Finally, we finished our first class novel of the year, "Planet Omar," in which the main character, Omar, moves to a new school, overcomes stereotypes, and makes unlikely new friends!
Thank you to all of Year 3 for your hard work in KS2 this half-term, and a big thank you to all our parents and carers for their continued support.
Have a lovely and safe break, everyone!
Team Year 3
A wonderful first week!
Year 3 have had a great first week getting to know their new teachers and have started their LKS2 journey!
A lovely end to the week with a Jiu-jitsyu taster with Nippon!
We hope you all rest up this weekend and enjoy the sunshine!
The Y3 Team!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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